Marker kirjutab ka pärast seda, kui on 72+ tundi olnud ilma korgita.
Saab kasutada märgadel, õlistel, tolmustel, roostestel ja prahistel pindadel.
Kasutamiseks betoonil, puidul, metallil, vineeril, orienteeritud kihtidega plaatidel (OSB) ja plastil.
Kiire kuivamisaeg — vähem plekke PVC- ja metallpindadel.
Suuremad lõigatud otsad parandavad eemalt nähtavust.
Use collapsible tabs for more detailed information that will help customers make a purchasing decision.
Ex: Shipping and return policies, size guides, and other common questions.
- Paste the label on a flat surface on the package
- Make sure that both 1D and 2D barcodes are clearly visible
- Ensure that the label is smooth and isn’t creased or wrinkled
- Check for any tears, dents, holes or scratches
- Pack your product tightly, with the right size packaging
- Ensure both barcodes are on a flat surface of the package