Loomad- ja mängukomplektid

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Schleichi mänguasjad seisavad selle eest, et mäng oleks hariv. Need arendavad laste loovust ja iseseisvust. Kõik meie mängukujukesed on pühendunult ja üksikasjadele suurt rõhku pannes käsitsi värvitud ning seega kordumatud. Paneme suurt rõhku igale pisiasjale - alates visandist kuni kujukeste käsitsi kaunistamiseni. Pakume täielikku ja kompromissitut kvaliteeti. Kõik Schleichi mänguasjade tootja kujukesed on valmistatud kvaliteetsest plastikust.
10,70 €
Legend says at the end of the rainbow, there’s a pot of gold. But the truth is, it’s something even more amazing. Only a chosen few with an eye for bold fashions can follow the rainbow to Rainbow High, the colorful fashion school where everyone learns to flaunt their true colors. The rainbow has infinite color possibilities! The girls of Rainbow High are ready for some fun in the sun and to take a dip in this magnificent color changing pool. The pool lights up with rainbow colors to create the scene for a must have Rainbow High summer party. It’s super simple to fill and empty. And of course, it comes with all the essentials such as chairs, palm trees and so much more. Doll sold separately. Dimensions 22.86 x 50.80 x 35.56 cm.
139,30 €
PLAY-DOH PLAY-DOH Mängukomplekt Loomaarst
Open the world of creativity with Play-Doh! It´s time for this pup´s checkup! Little veterinarians can groom and care for the adorable doggy. Make it stick out its tongue, groom and style with 3 ways to grow hair. Pup can go in and out of the carrier, which also stores all the pieces. Includes - grooming scissors, stethoscope, and more. So much creative pretend play for little veterinarians
28,40 €